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Meaning of nags

- A small horse; a pony; hence, any horse.
- A paramour; -- in contempt.
- To tease in a petty way; to scold habitually; to annoy; to fret pertinaciously.

Crossword clue for nags

- Annoy constantly
- Bother old horse
- Carp
- Constantly annoy horse
- Find fault continuously
- Go on and on (about)
- Harass
- Hen-peck
- Henpeck
- Horse
- Horse or badger?
- Horse or hound
- Keep criticising old horse
- Niggle
- Old horse
- Old horse originally named “Silver”
- Pester
- Scold
- Scold constantly
- Scold horse
- Scold often
- Scold old horse
- Scold persistently
- Scold repeatedly
- Slang word horse
- To badger
- Annoys
- Bothers
- Elderly horses
- Finds fault continuously
- Goes on and on about nitrogen gas mixture 
- Henpecks
- Inferior horses
- Old horses
- Sang about badgers
- Scolds
- Torments