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Meaning of naps

- To have a short sleep; to be drowsy; to doze.
- To be in a careless, secure state.
- A short sleep; a doze; a siesta.
- Woolly or villous surface of felt, cloth, plants, etc.; an external covering of down, of short fine hairs or fibers forming part of the substance of anything, and lying smoothly in one direction; the pile; -- as, the nap of cotton flannel or of broadcloth.
- The loops which are cut to make the pile, in velvet.
- To raise, or put, a nap on.

Crossword clue for naps

- 40 winks
- Afternoon rest
- Brief lie-down
- Brief sleep
- Doze
- Forty winks
- Kip
- Pile
- Pile of carpets even in camp!
- Pile, as on velvet
- Quick sleep
- Quick snooze
- Raised pile (of fabric)
- Short light sleep
- Short sleep
- Snooze but not asleep properly at first
- Take forty winks
- To doze
- Afternoon rests
- Kips
- Short sleeps
- Short snoozes
- Siestas
- Sleeps
- Snoozes
- Turn an afterthought into brief sleeps