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Meaning of dim

- Not bright or distinct; wanting luminousness or clearness; obscure in luster or sound; dusky; darkish; obscure; indistinct; overcast; tarnished.
- Of obscure vision; not seeing clearly; hence, dull of apprehension; of weak perception; obtuse.
- To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct; to take away the luster of; to darken; to dull; to obscure; to eclipse.
- To deprive of distinct vision; to hinder from seeing clearly, either by dazzling or clouding the eyes; to darken the senses or understanding of.
- To grow dim.

Crossword clue for dim

- Badly illuminated
- Badly lit
- Bleak
- Chinese dumpling, ... sum
- Dark
- Did imp dip out? It’s not clear
- Dopey
- Dopey is first dwarf in mine
- Dull
- Dull, indistinct, muted at first
- Fade
- Gloomy
- Indistinct
- Lower (houselights)
- Next to Danish leader, I’m not too bright
- Not illuminated
- Obscure
- Shadowy
- Somewhat dark
- The sort of wit that doesn't shine very bright
- The sort of wit that doesn’t shine very bright
- Wane