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Meaning of bad

- Bade.
- Wanting good qualities, whether physical or moral; injurious, hurtful, inconvenient, offensive, painful, unfavorable, or defective, either physically or morally; evil; vicious; wicked; -- the opposite of good; as, a bad man; bad conduct; bad habits; bad soil; bad health; bad crop; bad news.
- of Bid

Crossword clue for bad

- A ... hair day
- amoral
- Awful
- Awful dab up
- Awful in Barbados?
- Basically awfully disobedient from the start
- Brandy, oddly, is off
- Feud, ... blood
- fierce
- Inedible
- Inhuman
- Naughty
- Niggardly
- Not even brandy is rotten
- Of poor quality
- Off to get sailboards left by sailors
- Rancid
- Rotten
- Sinful
- spoiled
- Wicked
- Wicked Roy fled from byroad