Rating | Solver | Clue |
AFFAIR | Concern | |
CARE | Concern | |
INTEREST | Concern | |
CONSTERNATION | Grave concern | |
INTERESTED | Showing concern | |
SYMPATHETIC | Showing concern | |
CARED | Showed concern | |
NAILS | Manicurist’s concern | |
REVS | Tachometer’s concern | |
CONCERNED | Of Concern | |
CONCERNING | Of Concern | |
LOOKOUT | Matter of concern | |
ISSUE | Matter of concern | |
ALAS | Expression of concern | |
DEBT | Plastic user's concern | |
ISSUES | Publishes matters of concern | |
ONCE | Formerly of some concern | |
SERIOUS | Giving cause for concern | |
LISPS | Speech therapist's concern perhaps | |
LISPING | Speech therapist’s concern, perhaps | |
GEAR | Business matters; affairs; concern. | |
TENDER | Regard; care; kind concern. | |
ARTICLE | Subject; matter; concern; distinct. | |
THOUGHT | Solicitude; anxious care; concern. | |
SELF-CONCERN | Concern for one's self. |