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Meaning of whales

- Any aquatic mammal of the order Cetacea, especially any one of the large species, some of which become nearly one hundred feet long. Whales are hunted chiefly for their oil and baleen, or whalebone.

Crossword clue for whales

- Cetacean creature
- Fun occasion, a ... of a time
- Hear wail of ocean giant
- Huge mammal
- Huge sea creature makes ends of wharves unstable
- Huge sea mammal
- Large animal
- Large marine mammal
- Largest creature
- Largest fish, ... shark
- Law he broke to read Moby-Dick, for example
- Mammal, humpback ...
- Marine mammal
- Ocean giant
- Ocean mammal
- Orca, killer ...
- Saw Hal eagerly embrace ocean giant
- Sea giant
- We caught Hal the largest creature!
- World'S Largest Mammal
- Humpbacks, minkes, etc.
- Marine mammals