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Meaning of vases

- A vessel adapted for various domestic purposes, and anciently for sacrificial uses; especially, a vessel of antique or elegant pattern used for ornament; as, a porcelain vase; a gold vase; a Grecian vase. See Illust. of Portland vase, under Portland.
- A vessel similar to that described in the first definition above, or the representation of one in a solid block of stone, or the like, used for an ornament, as on a terrace or in a garden. See Illust. of Niche.
- The body, or naked ground, of the Corinthian and Composite capital; -- called also tambour, and drum.
- The calyx of a plant.

Crossword clue for vases

- Container for flowers
- Decorative vessel
- Flower container
- Flower holder
- Hollow vessel for flowers
- Open jar
- Receptacle for blooms
- Receptacles for bloom
- Save damaged flower jug
- Urn
- Vessel for flowers
- Vessel for roses, say
- Flower holders
- Ornamental jars
- Receptacles for blooms
- Urns