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Meaning of unfit

- To make unsuitable or incompetent; to deprive of the strength, skill, or proper qualities for anything; to disable; to incapacitate; to disqualify; as, sickness unfits a man for labor; sin unfits us for the society of holy beings.
- Not fit; unsuitable.

Crossword clue for unfit

- If nut is bent out of shape
- Ill-equipped. not suitable
- Ill-suited
- In poor physical condition
- Inadequate
- Inappropriate
- Incapable
- lacking basic qualifications
- Lacking in skills, inappropriate
- Not appropriate to be out of shape
- Not capable
- Not competent
- Not in good condition
- Not qualified to be flabby
- Not suitable
- Not suitable for those out of shape
- Original fighters in military detachment are in poor shape
- Out of condition
- Out of shape
- Physically out of condition
- Short of match exercise
- To be out of shape is not good enough
- Unhealthy
- Unsuitable, being out of condition
- Unworthy