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Meaning of tucks

- A long, narrow sword; a rapier.
- The beat of a drum.
- To draw up; to shorten; to fold under; to press into a narrower compass; as, to tuck the bedclothes in; to tuck up one's sleeves.
- To make a tuck or tucks in; as, to tuck a dress.
- To inclose; to put within; to press into a close place; as, to tuck a child into a bed; to tuck a book under one's arm, or into a pocket.
- To full, as cloth.
- To contract; to draw together.
- A horizontal sewed fold, such as is made in a garment, to shorten it; a plait.
- A small net used for taking fish from a larger one; -- called also tuck-net.
- A pull; a lugging.
- The part of a vessel where the ends of the bottom planks meet under the stern.
- Food; pastry; sweetmeats.

Crossword clue for tucks

- Arrange snugly
- Diving position
- Fold in garment
- Hide away
- Robin Hood’s priest: Friar ...
- Eats, ... into
- Folds
- Gathers or folds
- Pushes (sheets in)
- Pushes (shirt in)
- Sewn folds