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Meaning of tsetses

- A venomous two-winged African fly (Glossina morsitans) whose bite is very poisonous, and even fatal, to horses and cattle, but harmless to men. It renders extensive districts in which it abounds uninhabitable during certain seasons of the year.

Crossword clue for tsetses

- African Bloodsucking Fly
- African disease fly
- African disease insect
- African fly
- Blood-sucking fly
- Bloodsucking African fly
- Bloodsucking fly
- Fly back west twice having lost head
- Fly back west, having lost head twice
- Fly from Africa to see one bad set after another
- On the fly? It may make you sleepy after just one bite
- Sleeping sickness fly
- Sleeping sickness vector
- Type of fly
- African bloodsucking flies