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Meaning of trifles

- A thing of very little value or importance; a paltry, or trivial, affair.
- A dish composed of sweetmeats, fruits, cake, wine, etc., with syllabub poured over it.
- To act or talk without seriousness, gravity, weight, or dignity; to act or talk with levity; to indulge in light or trivial amusements.
- To make of no importance; to treat as a trifle.
- To spend in vanity; to fritter away; to waste; as, to trifle away money.

Crossword clue for trifles

- Cold dessert
- Dessert of cake, jelly, fruit & custard
- Dessert of sponge cake, cream and wine
- Something of little value
- tropical fruit custard
- At first, the weapons looked like toys
- Filters reveal mere nothings
- Jelly/sponge desserts