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Meaning of toils

- A net or snare; any thread, web, or string spread for taking prey; -- usually in the plural.
- To exert strength with pain and fatigue of body or mind, especially of the body, with efforts of some continuance or duration; to labor; to work.
- To weary; to overlabor.
- To labor; to work; -- often with out.
- Labor with pain and fatigue; labor that oppresses the body or mind, esp. the body.

Crossword clue for toils

- Drudgery
- Hard labour
- hard physical labour
- Hard work
- Labour
- Labour cut short — both too ill
- Odd characters took ill after hard work
- Slave away
- Slog
- Walk heavily
- Work hard
- Labours
- Slaves away
- Works hard
- Works hard on oil in back street