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Meaning of tinkers

- A mender of brass kettles, pans, and other metal ware.
- One skilled in a variety of small mechanical work.
- A small mortar on the end of a staff.
- A young mackerel about two years old.
- The chub mackerel.
- The silversides.
- A skate.
- The razor-billed auk.
- To mend or solder, as metal wares; hence, more generally, to mend.
- To busy one's self in mending old kettles, pans, etc.; to play the tinker; to be occupied with small mechanical works.

Crossword clue for tinkers

- Fiddle around
- Fiddle around with machines
- Fiddle, potter
- Itinerant pot mender
- Jack of all trades
- Mender of kettles and pans
- Mess about
- Fiddles (with)