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Meaning of thumbs

- The short, thick first digit of the human hand, differing from the other fingers in having but two phalanges; the pollex. See Pollex.
- To handle awkwardly.
- To play with the thumbs, or with the thumbs and fingers; as, to thumb over a tune.
- To soil or wear with the thumb or the fingers; to soil, or wear out, by frequent handling; also, to cover with the thumb; as, to thumb the touch-hole of a cannon.
- To play with the thumb or thumbs; to play clumsily; to thrum.

Crossword clue for thumbs

- A green one is an asset in the nursery
- Flip (through)
- Gardener's green ...
- Gardener’s green ...
- Hand digit
- Hand part
- Hitch (lift)
- Hitch (ride)
- Leaf (through pages)
- Leaf (through)
- Leaf through (pages)
- Opposable digit
- Part of a glove
- Part of hand
- The "fifth finger"
- Thickest hand digit
- two up
- Hitching digits that become, when put before the crew, a painful device
- Pollices