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Meaning of tames

- To broach or enter upon; to taste, as a liquor; to divide; to distribute; to deal out.
- Reduced from a state of native wildness and shyness; accustomed to man; domesticated; domestic; as, a tame deer, a tame bird.
- Crushed; subdued; depressed; spiritless.
- Deficient in spirit or animation; spiritless; dull; flat; insipid; as, a tame poem; tame scenery.
- To reduce from a wild to a domestic state; to make gentle and familiar; to reclaim; to domesticate; as, to tame a wild beast.
- To subdue; to conquer; to repress; as, to tame the pride or passions of youth.

Crossword clue for tames

- Blandly uncontroversial
- Docile
- Domesticate
- Domesticated
- Domesticated, not wild
- Gentle
- make docile and tractable
- Master offers thanks to yours truly
- Subdue
- Submissive, thanks to me!
- Thanks me for being unadventurous
- Tractable
- Domesticates
- Pacifies
- Subdues