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Meaning of tabernacles

- A slightly built or temporary habitation; especially, a tent.
- A portable structure of wooden framework covered with curtains, which was carried through the wilderness in the Israelitish exodus, as a place of sacrifice and worship.
- Hence, the Jewish temple; sometimes, any other place for worship.
- Figuratively: The human body, as the temporary abode of the soul.
- Any small cell, or like place, in which some holy or precious things was deposited or kept.
- The ornamental receptacle for the pyx, or for the consecrated elements, whether a part of a building or movable.
- A niche for the image of a saint, or for any sacred painting or sculpture.
- Hence, a work of art of sacred subject, having a partially architectural character, as a solid frame resting on a bracket, or the like.
- A tryptich for sacred imagery.
- A seat or stall in a choir, with its canopy.
- A boxlike step for a mast with the after side open, so that the mast can be lowered to pass under bridges, etc.
- To dwell or reside for a time; to be temporary housed.

Crossword clue for tabernacles

- Canopied sanctuaries of worship