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Meaning of stereotypes

- A plate forming an exact faximile of a page of type or of an engraving, used in printing books, etc.; specifically, a plate with type-metal face, used for printing.
- The art or process of making such plates, or of executing work by means of them.
- To prepare for printing in stereotype; to make the stereotype plates of; as, to stereotype the Bible.
- Fig.: To make firm or permanent; to fix.

Crossword clue for stereotypes

- A set form
- Categorise record player class
- Cliched image
- Give a fixed form to
- Pigeonhole
- Standard or typical example
- Standardised image
- Standardised image of hi-fi unit variety
- Typecast
- Write by machine, after hi-fi system gives you an unvarying pattern
- Kinds of hi-fi units installed pigeonholes
- Pigeonholes
- Standardised images
- Typecasts
- Typical examples of boom box brands
- Typical examples of boombox brands