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Meaning of solemn

- Marked with religious rites and pomps; enjoined by, or connected with, religion; sacred.
- Pertaining to a festival; festive; festal.
- Stately; ceremonious; grand.
- Fitted to awaken or express serious reflections; marked by seriousness; serious; grave; devout; as, a solemn promise; solemn earnestness.
- Real; earnest; downright.
- Affectedly grave or serious; as, to put on a solemn face.
- Made in form; ceremonious; as, solemn war; conforming with all legal requirements; as, probate in solemn form.

Crossword clue for solemn

- Formal and dignified
- Formal and dignified; serious
- Grave
- Grave for lone, heartless man
- grave serious
- Inspiring awe
- Serious and dignified
- Sombre
- Stately