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Meaning of snubs

- To sob with convulsions.
- To clip or break off the end of; to check or stunt the growth of; to nop.
- To check, stop, or rebuke, with a tart, sarcastic reply or remark; to reprimand; to check.
- To treat with contempt or neglect, as a forward or pretentious person; to slight designedly.
- A knot; a protuberance; a song.
- A check or rebuke; an intended slight.

Crossword clue for snubs

- Cold shoulder or short nose?
- Cold-shoulder
- Deliberately ignore
- Humiliating rebuff
- Ignore
- Insult deliberately
- Rebuff
- Rebuff insultingly
- Reject buns with cold shoulder
- Rolls back rejection
- Rudely ignore upturned buns
- Sharp rebuke
- Social insult
- Throwing buns back is a social insult
- Turned-up nose shape
- Gives the cold shoulder to prime navigator in little submarines
- Ignores
- Rebukes sharply
- Treats with disdain