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Meaning of sewers

- One who sews, or stitches.
- A small tortricid moth whose larva sews together the edges of a leaf by means of silk; as, the apple-leaf sewer (Phoxopteris nubeculana)
- A drain or passage to carry off water and filth under ground; a subterraneous channel, particularly in cities.
- Formerly, an upper servant, or household officer, who set on and removed the dishes at a feast, and who also brought water for the hands of the guests.

Crossword clue for sewers

- A drain
- Drain
- Effluent pipe
- Embroiderer
- It carries away effluent seamstress?
- One who stitches
- Public drain
- Underground Drain
- Undervround drain
- Waste pipe
- Waste tunnel
- Drains built like an Egyptian canal, apparently
- Dressmakers
- Embroidery experts
- Garment creators
- Large underground drains
- Underground drains