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Meaning of seniors

- More advanced than another in age; prior in age; elder; hence, more advanced in dignity, rank, or office; superior; as, senior member; senior counsel.
- Belonging to the final year of the regular course in American colleges, or in professional schools.
- A person who is older than another; one more advanced in life.
- One older in office, or whose entrance upon office was anterior to that of another; one prior in grade.
- An aged person; an older.
- One in the fourth or final year of his collegiate course at an American college; -- originally called senior sophister; also, one in the last year of the course at a professional schools or at a seminary.

Crossword clue for seniors

- Denoting older people
- Elder
- Higher in rank
- Of older people
- Older in years
- Older; higher-ranking
- Superior
- Elders
- Older people