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Meaning of seizes

- To fall or rush upon suddenly and lay hold of; to gripe or grasp suddenly; to reach and grasp.
- To take possession of by force.
- To invade suddenly; to take sudden hold of; to come upon suddenly; as, a fever seizes a patient.
- To take possession of by virtue of a warrant or other legal authority; as, the sheriff seized the debtor's goods.
- To fasten; to fix.
- To grap with the mind; to comprehend fully and distinctly; as, to seize an idea.
- To bind or fasten together with a lashing of small stuff, as yarn or marline; as, to seize ropes.

Crossword clue for seizes

- Afflict suddenly
- Conquer the seas, we hear
- Impound
- Jam, ... up
- Confiscates Caesar’s speech