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Meaning of scouts

- A swift sailing boat.
- A projecting rock.
- To reject with contempt, as something absurd; to treat with ridicule; to flout; as, to scout an idea or an apology.
- A person sent out to gain and bring in tidings; especially, one employed in war to gain information of the movements and condition of an enemy.
- A college student's or undergraduate's servant; -- so called in Oxford, England; at Cambridge called a gyp; and at Dublin, a skip.
- A fielder in a game for practice.
- The act of scouting or reconnoitering.
- To observe, watch, or look for, as a scout; to follow for the purpose of observation, as a scout.
- To pass over or through, as a scout; to reconnoiter; as, to scout a country.
- To go on the business of scouting, or watching the motions of an enemy; to act as a scout.

Crossword clue for scouts

- Member of youth organisation
- Outrider
- Search around
- Sentinel
- Talent recruiter
- Boys group founded by Baden-Powell
- Explores ahead
- Joeys, Venturers, etc
- Joeys, Venturers, etc.
- Members of a youth movement
- Reconnoitres
- Talent agents find them at a jamboree
- Talent spotters