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Meaning of rhubarb

- The name of several large perennial herbs of the genus Rheum and order Polygonaceae.
- The large and fleshy leafstalks of Rheum Rhaponticum and other species of the same genus. They are pleasantly acid, and are used in cookery. Called also pieplant.
- The root of several species of Rheum, used much as a cathartic medicine.

Crossword clue for rhubarb

- As an alternative, Orpheus beat Ruby to get pie filling
- Common crumble ingredient
- Crowd scene mentioning stalk food
- Crowd scene muttering about stalk vegetable
- Crumble ingredient
- Dessert, apple and ... crumble
- Edible leaf-stalks
- Edible leafstalk
- Garden plant with fleshy edible stems
- Large leafed plant
- Large-leafed plant
- Pie ingredient repeatedly mentioned in staged conversations
- Pinkish, sour leafstalks
- Plant with long red stems
- Regret hurtful remark heard muttered in crowd scene
- Sour red leaf-stalks
- Stewed leafstalk