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Meaning of relapses

- To slip or slide back, in a literal sense; to turn back.
- To slide or turn back into a former state or practice; to fall back from some condition attained; -- generally in a bad sense, as from a state of convalescence or amended condition; as, to relapse into a stupor, into vice, or into barbarism; -- sometimes in a good sense; as, to relapse into slumber after being disturbed.
- To fall from Christian faith into paganism, heresy, or unbelief; to backslide.
- A sliding or falling back, especially into a former bad state, either of body or morals; backsliding; the state of having fallen back.
- One who has relapsed, or fallen back, into error; a backslider; specifically, one who, after recanting error, returns to it again.

Crossword clue for relapses

- Back-sliding
- Backslide
- Fall back into illness
- Fall ill again when regarding a drop in standard
- Get worse as leper mishandled minor transgression
- Regress
- Return of ill health
- Setback
- Spooner to become ill again when Lee raps
- Take a turn for the worse
- Falls back
- Falls off the wagon
- Recurrences
- Regresses