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Meaning of rebuffs

- Repercussion, or beating back; a quick and sudden resistance.
- Sudden check; unexpected repulse; defeat; refusal; repellence; rejection of solicitation.
- To beat back; to offer sudden resistance to; to check; to repel or repulse violently, harshly, or uncourteously.

Crossword clue for rebuffs

- A snub
- Blunt refusal
- Blunt refusal to Polish, once more
- Blunt rejection
- Knock back more buffet but take the champagne
- Peremptory refusal
- Reject or snub
- Repulse
- Snub
- Unexpected refusal
- On the topic of experts or rejects
- Polishes up again for rejects
- Refusals
- Snubs