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Meaning of rebels

- Pertaining to rebels or rebellion; acting in revolt; rebellious; as, rebel troops.
- One who rebels.
- To renounce, and resist by force, the authority of the ruler or government to which one owes obedience. See Rebellion.
- To be disobedient to authority; to assume a hostile or insubordinate attitude; to revolt.

Crossword clue for rebels

- Film about secondrate revolutionary
- Foe
- Freedom fighter
- Insurgent
- Misbehave
- Mutineer
- Mutiny (against)
- Nonconformist Bea replaces five in revel
- One against rules
- Outlaw
- Resist authority
- Resist openly
- Revolt
- Revolt (against)
- Revolt against bandleader involved in Scottish dance
- Revolutionary seen retreating in recognisable beret
- Rise Up
- Insurgents
- Mutineers
- Rule breakers