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Meaning of rebates

- To beat to obtuseness; to deprive of keenness; to blunt; to turn back the point of, as a lance used for exercise.
- To deduct from; to make a discount from, as interest due, or customs duties.
- To abate; to withdraw.
- Diminution.
- Deduction; abatement; as, a rebate of interest for immediate payment; a rebate of importation duties.
- A rectangular longitudinal recess or groove, cut in the corner or edge of any body; a rabbet. See Rabbet.
- A piece of wood hafted into a long stick, and serving to beat out mortar.
- An iron tool sharpened something like a chisel, and used for dressing and polishing wood.
- A kind of hard freestone used in making pavements.
- To cut a rebate in. See Rabbet, v.

Crossword clue for rebates

- Allow as a discount
- Deduction or discount
- Deduction, discount
- Discount
- Money-back offer
- Partial refund
- Partial refund to one who has paid too much
- peter out
- Take away
- Discounts
- Partial refunds are best recycled
- Returned sum of money