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Meaning of rambles

- To walk, ride, or sail, from place to place, without any determinate object in view; to roam carelessly or irregularly; to rove; to wander; as, to ramble about the city; to ramble over the world.
- To talk or write in a discursive, aimless way.
- To extend or grow at random.
- A going or moving from place to place without any determinate business or object; an excursion or stroll merely for recreation.
- A bed of shale over the seam.

Crossword clue for rambles

- Be diffuse
- Leisurely walk in the countryside
- Move aimlessly
- Stroll aimlessly
- Walk for pleasure
- Wander aimlessly
- Roves
- Starts running then moves slowly on cross-country walks
- Walks for pleasure
- Wanders