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Meaning of pursues

- To follow with a view to overtake; to follow eagerly, or with haste; to chase; as, to pursue a hare.
- To seek; to use or adopt measures to obtain; as, to pursue a remedy at law.
- To proceed along, with a view to some and or object; to follow; to go in; as, Captain Cook pursued a new route; the administration pursued a wise course.
- To prosecute; to be engaged in; to continue.
- To follow as an example; to imitate.
- To follow with enmity; to persecute; to call to account.
- To go in pursuit; to follow.
- To go on; to proceed, especially in argument or discourse; to continue.
- To follow a matter judicially, as a complaining party; to act as a prosecutor.

Crossword clue for pursues

- Are you in the wallet hunt?
- Chase
- Chase doubtful user up
- Follow
- Follow in order to capture
- Go after
- Hunt
- Pay attention
- Run after
- Doggedly follows
- Proposes