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Meaning of pours

- Poor.
- To pore.
- To cause to flow in a stream, as a liquid or anything flowing like a liquid, either out of a vessel or into it; as, to pour water from a pail; to pour wine into a decanter; to pour oil upon the waters; to pour out sand or dust.
- To send forth as in a stream or a flood; to emit; to let escape freely or wholly.
- To send forth from, as in a stream; to discharge uninterruptedly.
- To flow, pass, or issue in a stream, or as a stream; to fall continuously and abundantly; as, the rain pours; the people poured out of the theater.
- A stream, or something like a stream; a flood.

Crossword clue for pours

- Decant
- Meet up with crowd
- Pelt, of rain
- Poor reports of rain
- Rain heavily
- Serve from jug
- cascades
- Rains hard
- Rains heavily