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Meaning of plague

- That which smites, wounds, or troubles; a blow; a calamity; any afflictive evil or torment; a great trail or vexation.
- An acute malignant contagious fever, that often prevails in Egypt, Syria, and Turkey, and has at times visited the large cities of Europe with frightful mortality; hence, any pestilence; as, the great London plague.
- To infest or afflict with disease, calamity, or natural evil of any kind.
- Fig.: To vex; to tease; to harass.

Crossword clue for plague

- A malady
- Annoy continually
- Beset
- Black Death
- Contagious disease
- Epidemic disease
- Harass badger to black kind of death
- Middle Ages epidemic, bubonic ...
- Pandemic
- Pester
- Pester, badger
- Rash
- Serious epidemic
- Virulent outbreak