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Meaning of physics

- The art of healing diseases; the science of medicine; the theory or practice of medicine.
- A specific internal application for the cure or relief of sickness; a remedy for disease; a medicine.
- Specifically, a medicine that purges; a cathartic.
- A physician.
- To treat with physic or medicine; to administer medicine to, esp. a cathartic; to operate on as a cathartic; to purge.
- To work on as a remedy; to heal; to cure.
- The science of nature, or of natural objects; that branch of science which treats of the laws and properties of matter, and the forces acting upon it; especially, that department of natural science which treats of the causes (as gravitation, heat, light, magnetism, electricity, etc.) that modify the general properties of bodies; natural philosophy.

Crossword clue for physics

- School science subject
- Subject taught at school