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Meaning of pedals

- Of or pertaining to the foot, or to feet, literally or figuratively; specifically (Zool.), pertaining to the foot of a mollusk; as, the pedal ganglion.
- Of or pertaining to a pedal; having pedals.
- A lever or key acted on by the foot, as in the pianoforte to raise the dampers, or in the organ to open and close certain pipes; a treadle, as in a lathe or a bicycle.
- A pedal curve or surface.

Crossword clue for pedals

- Bicycle part
- Bike footrest
- Bike part
- Cycle
- Foot lever
- Foot-operated lever
- Lad goes back to exercise cycle
- Lever on moped altered
- Moped alteration included lever
- Of the foot
- Organ lever
- Piano lever
- Related to the foot
- Ride a cycle
- Foot-operated levers