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Meaning of ordeals

- An ancient form of test to determine guilt or innocence, by appealing to a supernatural decision, -- once common in Europe, and still practiced in the East and by savage tribes.
- Any severe trial, or test; a painful experience.
- Of or pertaining to trial by ordeal.

Crossword clue for ordeals

- An exacting experience
- Anguish or agreement
- Difficult experience
- exacting experience
- Harrowing experience
- Harsh experience
- Severe test
- Severe trial
- Severe trial or test
- Trauma
- Traumatic event
- Trial
- Tribulation or treaty
- Trying experience
- Unpleasant and prolonged experience
- Very unpleasant and prolonged experience
- Severe trials
- Trials
- Trials and tribulations
- Trials or transactions
- Trying experiences