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Meaning of nooses

- A running knot, or loop, which binds the closer the more it is drawn.
- To tie in a noose; to catch in a noose; to entrap; to insnare.

Crossword clue for nooses

- Equipment required to play Hangman
- Gallows loop
- Gallows rope
- Hangman's halter
- Hangman's loop
- Hangman's rope
- Hangman’s halter
- Hangman’s loop
- Hangman’s rope
- It gets tightened
- Lariat
- Lasso
- Lasso loop
- Lasso’s end
- Loop another ring in nose
- Loop at the end of a rope
- Loop with a running knot
- Looped rope
- Nose about ring of rope
- Nose has nothing for hangman to use
- One so involved in lasso
- Rope loop
- Soon back on the end of hangman’s rope
- Used for trapping
- Lariats
- Lassos
- Loops of rope with running knots