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Meaning of nod

- To bend or incline the upper part, with a quick motion; as, nodding plumes.
- To incline the head with a quick motion; to make a slight bow; to make a motion of assent, of salutation, or of drowsiness, with the head; as, to nod at one.
- To be drowsy or dull; to be careless.
- To incline or bend, as the head or top; to make a motion of assent, of salutation, or of drowsiness with; as, to nod the head.
- To signify by a nod; as, to nod approbation.
- To cause to bend.
- A dropping or bending forward of the upper oart or top of anything.
- A quick or slight downward or forward motion of the head, in assent, in familiar salutation, in drowsiness, or in giving a signal, or a command.

Crossword clue for nod

- A head movement
- A quick bob of the head
- A signal of agreement
- Agree to bid at auction
- Bob head
- Dip the head
- Don turns up to say yes
- Even Anton doesn’t start to show agreement
- Fall asleep, ... off
- Gesture of acknowledgement
- Gesture of agreement
- Gesture of assent
- Head move
- Head movement
- Indicate assent
- Mafia boss backs show of assent
- Negative response given before five hundred indicate agreement
- Non-verbal yes
- Quick bob of one’s head
- Show agreement
- Show assent
- Show assent when in no doubt initially
- Sign of assent
- Signal agreement
- Signal agreement with the head
- Signal one’s agreement, using the head
- Silent assent
- Silent assent from Simon O’Donnell
- Slight bow
- Tacit okay