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Meaning of mocha

- A seaport town of Arabia, on the Red Sea.
- A variety of coffee brought from Mocha.
- An Abyssinian weight, equivalent to a Troy grain.

Crossword clue for mocha

- a superior dark coffee made from beans from arabia
- Chocolate shade
- Coffee
- Coffee flavour
- Coffee for little sumo champion
- Coffee style
- Coffee type
- Coffee variety; fine leather
- Coffee/chocolate flavour
- Coffee/chocolate flavouring
- Coffee/chocolate mix
- Dark brown coffee
- Dark brown colour
- Dark shade in Alamo chalet
- Drink on offer in macho resort
- Kind of coffee
- Macho kind of drink
- Sounds like one who jeers at coffee-shop order
- Type Of coffee
- Type of fine-quality coffee
- Variety of coffee