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Meaning of maims

- To deprive of the use of a limb, so as to render a person on fighting less able either to defend himself or to annoy his adversary.
- To mutilate; to cripple; to injure; to disable; to impair.
- The privation of the use of a limb or member of the body, by which one is rendered less able to defend himself or to annoy his adversary.
- The privation of any necessary part; a crippling; mutilation; injury; deprivation of something essential. See Mayhem.

Crossword clue for maims

- Cripple
- Cripple took unknown amount from Maxim
- Disable
- Incapacitate
- Incapacitate Maxim by taking unknown amount
- Initially maul and injure many
- Injure
- Mangle
- Mutilate
- There are no times for maxim to incapacitate
- Wound
- Injures
- Wounds