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Meaning of loss

- Praise. See Loos.
- The act of losing; failure; destruction; privation; as, the loss of property; loss of money by gaming; loss of health or reputation.
- The state of losing or having lost; the privation, defect, misfortune, harm, etc., which ensues from losing.
- That which is lost or from which one has parted; waste; -- opposed to gain or increase; as, the loss of liquor by leakage was considerable.
- The state of being lost or destroyed; especially, the wreck or foundering of a ship or other vessel.
- Failure to gain or win; as, loss of a race or battle.
- Failure to use advantageously; as, loss of time.
- Killed, wounded, and captured persons, or captured property.
- Destruction or diminution of value, if brought about in a manner provided for in the insurance contract (as destruction by fire or wreck, damage by water or smoke), or the death or injury of an insured person; also, the sum paid or payable therefor; as, the losses of the company this year amount to a million of dollars.

Crossword clue for loss

- ... Angeles, American city
- City, ... Angeles 
- Hollywood is there, ... Angeles
- LA, ... Angeles
- Let off steam at first in LA
- New Mexico’s ... Alamos
- The L of LA
- Thirty per cent of LA? 
- US city, ... Angeles
- A defeat
- Bereavement
- Defeat
- Defeat in battle
- Failure to put in glossary
- Opposite of profit