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Meaning of loafs

- Any thick lump, mass, or cake; especially, a large regularly shaped or molded mass, as of bread, sugar, or cake.
- To spend time in idleness; to lounge or loiter about.
- To spend in idleness; -- with away; as, to loaf time away.

Crossword clue for loafs

- Baguette or cob
- Baker's unit
- Baker’s unit
- Block of bread
- Fail to work
- Idle away time
- Laze outside at first
- Lounge about
- Mass of bread
- Piece of bread
- Quantity of bread
- Shaped mass of baked bread
- Sourdough block
- Take it easy
- Idles
- Lazes around
- Lolls
- Sits idly
- Spends time idly