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Meaning of lemurs

- One of a family (Lemuridae) of nocturnal mammals allied to the monkeys, but of small size, and having a sharp and foxlike muzzle, and large eyes. They feed upon birds, insects, and fruit, and are mostly natives of Madagascar and the neighboring islands, one genus (Galago) occurring in Africa. The slow lemur or kukang of the East Indies is Nycticebus tardigradus. See Galago, Indris, and Colugo.

Crossword clue for lemurs

- Arboreal primate
- Eleven down in left and right for a beastly John Cleese favourite
- Long tailed primate
- Long-tailed mammal
- Madagascan primate
- Madagascan tree animal
- Ring-tailed primate
- Type of monkey
- Type of primate
- Long-tailed, arboreal primates
- Madagascan primates
- Ring-tailed primates