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Meaning of learn

- To gain knowledge or information of; to ascertain by inquiry, study, or investigation; to receive instruction concerning; to fix in the mind; to acquire understanding of, or skill; as, to learn the way; to learn a lesson; to learn dancing; to learn to skate; to learn the violin; to learn the truth about something.
- To communicate knowledge to; to teach.
- To acquire knowledge or skill; to make progress in acquiring knowledge or skill; to receive information or instruction; as, this child learns quickly.

Crossword clue for learn

- Acquire (skill)
- Ascertain
- Be taught
- Become aware
- Come to understand
- Commit to memory
- Discover
- Discover renal surgery
- Find out
- Find out or discover
- Gain knowledge
- Gain knowledge of Lear on opening night
- Get to know
- Grasp
- Hear (about)
- Hear (of)
- Hear about renal complications
- Listener sits between beginner and novice, initially to get information
- Live and ...
- Memorise
- Shakespeare’s king heads north to acquire new skills
- To study
- Understand