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Meaning of knees

- In man, the joint in the middle part of the leg.
- The joint, or region of the joint, between the thigh and leg.
- In the horse and allied animals, the carpal joint, corresponding to the wrist in man.
- A piece of timber or metal formed with an angle somewhat in the shape of the human knee when bent.
- A bending of the knee, as in respect or courtesy.
- To supplicate by kneeling.

Crossword clue for knees

- Between femur and fibula
- Bodily joint
- Femur/tibia joint
- Hinged joint bent in proposal
- Keen to have surgery halfway up leg
- Leg joint
- Leg part
- Natural hinge joint
- Part of the leg
- Jabs with leg
- Joints
- Leg joints
- Seen Kay returning joints