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Meaning of keen

- Sharp; having a fine edge or point; as, a keen razor, or a razor with a keen edge.
- Acute of mind; sharp; penetrating; having or expressing mental acuteness; as, a man of keen understanding; a keen look; keen features.
- Bitter; piercing; acrimonious; cutting; stinging; severe; as, keen satire or sarcasm.
- Piercing; penetrating; cutting; sharp; -- applied to cold, wind, etc, ; as, a keen wind; the cold is very keen.
- Eager; vehement; fierce; as, a keen appetite.
- To sharpen; to make cold.
- A prolonged wail for a deceased person. Cf. Coranach.
- To wail as a keener does.

Crossword clue for keen

- Acute
- Avid
- Dandy
- Eager
- Eager to get knee replacement
- Eager to make enough contents
- Enthusiastic
- Enthusiastic about twisted knee?
- enthusiastic very interest
- Enthusiastic; sharp
- Fond of, ... on
- Highly perceptive
- Razor-sharp
- Sharp enthusiastic