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Meaning of isobars

- A line connecting or marking places upon the surface of the earth where height of the barometer reduced to sea level is the same either at a given time, or for a certain period (mean height), as for a year; an isopiestic line.
- The quality or state of being equal in weight, especially in atmospheric pressure. Also, the theory, method, or application of isobaric science.

Crossword clue for isobars

- Curve of equal pressure
- Is circular saloon a feature on map?
- Line drawn on a weather map
- Line of equal pressure
- Line on a weather map
- Line on weather map
- Meteorological term
- Meteorology line
- Pressure line on chart
- Proviso barely covers this line on a weather map
- sob over a first-rate line on a weather map
- Synoptic chart line
- Weather map line
- weather map pressure line
- Biros, as elsewhere, make lines on map
- Is nothing in front of bars but pressure lines?
- Lines on a weather map
- Meteorology lines
- So I design bars to put on the map
- Synoptic chart line
- Synoptic chart lines