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Meaning of inspires

- To breathe into; to fill with the breath; to animate.
- To infuse by breathing, or as if by breathing.
- To draw in by the operation of breathing; to inhale; -- opposed to expire.
- To infuse into the mind; to communicate to the spirit; to convey, as by a divine or supernatural influence; to disclose preternaturally; to produce in, as by inspiration.
- To infuse into; to affect, as with a superior or supernatural influence; to fill with what animates, enlivens, or exalts; to communicate inspiration to; as, to inspire a child with sentiments of virtue.
- To draw in breath; to inhale air into the lungs; -- opposed to expire.
- To breathe; to blow gently.

Crossword clue for inspires

- Encourage
- Give encouragement
- Influence
- Jazz up
- Motivate in church tower
- Stimulate
- Stimulate creative activity
- Arouses
- Fills with hope in steeples
- Motivates
- Raises enthusiasm in
- Stimulates