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Meaning of infers

- To bring on; to induce; to occasion.
- To offer, as violence.
- To bring forward, or employ as an argument; to adduce; to allege; to offer.
- To derive by deduction or by induction; to conclude or surmise from facts or premises; to accept or derive, as a consequence, conclusion, or probability; to imply; as, I inferred his determination from his silence.
- To show; to manifest; to prove.

Crossword clue for infers

- Allude
- Allude to
- Conclude
- Conclude in different centre
- Deduce
- Deduce no loss from inferno
- Derive by reasoning
- Derive via reasoning
- Draw conclusion
- Extrapolate
- Gather
- Imply
- In Britain, Fergie sees judge
- Judge
- reach conclusion
- Suggest finer alterations
- Surmise
- Concludes
- Deduces