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Meaning of haunts

- To frequent; to resort to frequently; to visit pertinaciously or intrusively; to intrude upon.
- To inhabit or frequent as a specter; to visit as a ghost or apparition.
- To practice; to devote one's self to.
- To accustom; to habituate.
- To persist in staying or visiting.
- A place to which one frequently resorts; as, drinking saloons are the haunts of tipplers; a den is the haunt of wild beasts.
- The habit of resorting to a place.
- Practice; skill.

Crossword clue for haunts

- Frequent regularly
- Frequently visited place
- meeting place stamping ground
- Often-visited place
- Place much frequented
- Regular hangout
- Visit as a ghost
- Visit habitually
- Visit often
- Went to often
- When ghosts come out to play
- Adjustable sunhat for places frequently visited
- frequently visited places
- Frequents
- Hang-outs
- Meeting places, stamping grounds
- Spectres