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Meaning of gasps

- To open the mouth wide in catching the breath, or in laborious respiration; to labor for breath; to respire convulsively; to pant violently.
- To pant with eagerness; to show vehement desire.
- To emit or utter with gasps; -- with forth, out, away, etc.
- The act of opening the mouth convulsively to catch the breath; a labored respiration; a painful catching of the breath.

Crossword clue for gasps

- Catch a sudden, quick breath
- Catch breath or you’ll be at your last
- Catch one’s breath
- Catch the breath
- Fight for air when fuel starts pumping
- Fight for breath
- Final breath, last ...
- Inhale audibly
- Inhale with shock at seeing snake going after dog’s tail
- Pant
- Puff
- Shocked inhalation
- Speak breathlessly
- Struggle for breath
- Breathes in sharply on seeing pole wedged in gaps
- Catches one’s breath
- Catches the breath
- Pants
- Sharp breaths
- Sharp breatts
- Struggles for breath
- whoops